Installation Instructions

Local FAIR data registry #

The documentation for the registry is available here, and is the same for the local and remote registry.

Installation #

There are a few alternative ways to install a local FAIR data registry and we describe the different options below.

Dependencies #

The registry relies on the graphviz package to produce the schema visualisation and the provenance report, so you will need to follow graphviz installation process for your system before initialising a local registry.

Windows Dependencies #

To install and run the local registry on windows the following dependencies are required:

Once Chocolatety is installed the following dependencies can be installed using chocolatey:

  - [Python 3](
  - [Curl](
  - [Git](

Install local registry (Linux / MAC OS) #

To initialise a local registry, run the following command from your terminal:

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

This will install the registry and all the related files will be stored in ~/.fair.

To run the server, run the script:


Then, navigate to http://localhost:8000 in your browser to check that the server is up and running. A token will be automatically generated in ~/.fair/registry/token.

To stop the server, run the script:


Install specific branch #

If you need to install a specific branch from the registry repository, you can replace <branch_name> with the branch in question in the following command:

curl -fsSL | /bin/bash -s -- -b <branch_name>

Install local registry (Windows) #

To initialise a local registry on windows, run the following commands from command prompt

curl > localregistry.bat


This will install the registry and all the related files will be stored in C:\Users\<username>\.fair

To run the server, run the C:\Users\<username>\.fair\registry\scripts\start_fair_registry_windows.bat script, this will spawn the server in a new window. Navigate to http://localhost:8000 in you browser to check the server is up and running. A token will be automatically generated in C:\Users\<username>\.fair\registry\token.

To stop the server switch to the server window and press control + break or run: C:\Users\<username>\.fair\registry\scripts\stop_fair_registry_windows.bat.

Default Credentials #

By default the local registry creates a superuser for the admin console with the username: admin and the password: admin

Using Vagrant in a local VM #

An alternative to run the local registry without worrying about dependencies is to rely on Vagrant and a virtualisation engine such as VirtualBox.

The FAIR data registry codebase provides a Vagrantfile with the details on how to configure and provision a local virtual machine to run the data registry.

So, the steps to follow are:

  • Clone the repository:

    git clone
  • Run Vagrant:

    vagrant up

and your local FAIR data registry should be running at http://localhost:8000/.

If you then need to get into the VM for managing the local registry, you cn use the following commands:

vagrant ssh
sudo su
cd /code/data-registry/

Then, to stop the data registry server you can use the following command:


And to start it again, you can use:


If you need to access the python/Django commands, still within the VM, you can activate the python virtual environment, add a Django environment variable and check the options as follows:

. venv/bin/activate
export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=drams.vagrant-settings
python --help

For example, you can use the following command to add some example data:

python add_example_data

Note that if you want to remove the VM, you can run the command:

 vagrant destroy