Uses cases

Use Case 1. (Pre-process and) upload a new dataset using script/config file #

Actor: A Data Curator wants to upload a dataset to the registry – this will likely involve a pre-processing step to convert a ‘raw dataset’ into a suitable ‘processed dataset’ that can be used by a model. Has knowledge of system and required config files to produce an upload script

Preconditions: Actor has an account (if required) to access data registry and a local copy of the dataset they want to upload (QUESTION: what formats are acceptable?)

Basic Flow:

  • Actor generates metadata file for dataset

  • Actor generates a config file that gives name and location for data, metadata, desired name on registry

    • Substeps needed?

    • Do we want an Actor to confirm here that they have permission to upload/share the data?

  • Actor logs into system, system authenticates (Question: or should this be part of the config file?)

  • (optionally) Actor runs processing script to turn a dataset into the data format required

  • Actor runs upload script, system responds and ingests data and metadata

    • Included in system response: system compares to existing data (possible exception case: user tries to upload dataset already in the registry)
  • System generates report summarising upload, including date and hash, etc


  • Datasets are now in registry with metadata - both the raw dataset and the processed dataset

  • Pre-processing script stored as code run associated with the dataset

  • A response code from the API confirms that the upload has completed successfully

Use Case 2. Uploading a new dataset via a GUI #

Benefit: This would enable people who don’t know how to write scripts to casually interact with the system

Actor: A person who has found a dataset that they want to upload to the registry.

Preconditions: User has an account (if required) to access data registry and a local copy of the dataset they want to upload (QUESTION: what formats are acceptable?)

Basic Flow:

  • Actor logs into system, system authenticates

  • Actor selects web interface for adding a dataset to the registry, system loads page

  • Actor drags file to upload, system uploads and saves

  • System prompts Actor to confirm they have permission to upload/share these data

  • System prompts user for metadata, with form or upload option

  • Actor either uploads metadata file (Question: in what format?), or enters information in form

  • System records metadata with dataset, creates data product and adds to registry

  • System generates report summarising upload, including date and hash, etc


  • Dataset is now in registry with metadata

  • Actor has a report describing the upload of the data including a hash and date, and knows how and where to find those data


  • Data is already uploaded? Do we allow reuploads?


  • Where / how? Could happen in Django... already thought about doing this in a shiny app, should it generate a script that can be uploaded (and run via use case 1)?

  • Supported formats for data and meta-data (eg supported data structures vs blobs)

  • Authorisation to write to certain namespaces?

  • Reproducing registry from scripts – how to maintain if GUI route supported?

Use Case 3. QuickStart Exploratory Dataset Use/Analysis #

Benefit: Modeller able to make efficient and accurate assessment of usefulness of dataset for their purposes

Actor: A modelling or data scientist who wants to investigate and visualise a dataset programmatically in the pipeline to determine if it is suitable for their application.


  • Dataset actor is interested in is available via data pipeline

  • Actor has some technical proficiency in at least one language used by the pipeline, an interest in data, ability to visualise data within their language of choice

Basic flow:

  • Actor searches for a data resource, system’s search ability provides a link to the data and a pointer to a description. Actor decides to investigate use of data resource further

  • Actor installs pipeline in their language of choice

  • Actor accesses data via pipeline from their local machine, system provides data into a data structure usable in actor’s preferred language

    • We’ll need sub-steps for this one, these might include:

    • Actor defines data they want (YAML file according to some spec)

    • Actor defines config according to some spec

    • System recognises YAML/config files and provides data flow along with logs of access

    • Locally-installed pipeline generates log files on actor’s machine

  • Actor loads data locally, performs plotting and exploration tasks


  • Log files on actor’s local machine recording data access and use via pipeline

  • Actor has plots and/or exploratory description of dataset allowing them to judge suitability

  • Log files on registry of access by actor if desired?


  • Authentication in this workflow? Not for registry but maybe for individual datasets. How to show access restrictions to users in a convenient way?

  • Thinking needed about how to make this use case convenient for good 1^st^ impression

  • Local log files vs live local registry?

Use Case 4. Model run #

Benefit: Modeller is able to easily analyse dataset(s), generate output and upload to registry

Similar to use case 3, but end to end run, including outputs generated and upload of results to registry and data stores

Actor: A modelling or data scientist who wants to programmatically run an analysis and add the results to the pipeline


  • Dataset(s) actor is interested in is available via data pipeline

  • Actor has some technical proficiency in at least one language used by the pipeline, an interest in data, ability to visualise data within their language of choice

Basic flow:

  • Actor searches for data resource(s), system’s search ability provides a link to the data and a pointer to a description. Actor decides to conduct analysis using data resources

  • Actor installs pipeline in their language of choice

  • Actor accesses data via pipeline from their local machine, system provides data into a data structure usable in actor’s preferred language

    • We’ll need sub-steps for this one, these might include:

    • Actor defines data they want (YAML file according to some spec)

    • Actor defines config according to some spec

    • System recognises YAML/config files and provides data flow along with logs of access

    • Locally-installed pipeline generates log files on actor’s machine

  • Actor loads data locally, performs analysis, generates outputs, all of which actions are traced using the pipeline API


  • Log file use on actor’s local machine recording data access and use and outputs generated via pipeline

  • Actor has analytical results to investigate

  • if model run was successful then outputs are uploaded to data stores and logs of access and creation of files by actor are stored on registry


  • Authentication in this workflow? Not for registry but maybe for individual datasets. How to show access restrictions to users in a convenient way?

  • Local log files vs live local registry?

Use Case 5. Parameter inference coupled with model simulation #

This requires repeated application of two component use cases shown below:

  1. Use case: draw multiple data from data pipeline/registry for use in analysis (data for inference)

  2. Use case: Run model/analysis that generates multiple reps/samples from a potentially high dimensional distribution and then to add these to the data pipeline/registry tracking data dependencies (parameter inference)

  3. Use case: draw multiple data from data pipeline/registry for use in analysis (data to run model including inferred parameters)

  4. Use case: Run model/analysis that generates multiple reps/samples from a potentially high dimensional distribution and then to add these to the data pipeline/registry tracking data dependencies (parameter inference)

Actor: Researcher undertaking significant inference or analysis exercise couple with model simulation where repeated sampling and recording is required

Benefit: really useful as a way of archiving derivatives of complex queries, potentially linking otherwise separate datasets and generating multiple iterations. Careful nomenclature of such files, as well as stoarge capacity seem very important considerations


  • We don’t really have a way of doing write-then-read at the moment - would this be a good reason to adopt local SQLite (or other) registry?

  • How do we think about multiple runs with potentially thousands of outputs and encapsulate them in a single larger-scale output? Would RO Crate help here?

Use Case 6. Flag and Track issues in data and model/analysis-code #

Subsequent revisions to the inference algorithm (step-2), data used for inference (step-1) or additional data used for simulation (step-3) would then flag subsequent model outputs as needing revision. If outputs from step-4 are used in further analysis want to track dependencies i.e. if the data or analysis in any step is flagged I want to see this when I look at downstream outputs.

This requires application of four further component use cases shown below:

  1. Use case: Flag data as problematic – an error or revision of data is uncovered. How do I flag this in data pipeline/registry?

  2. Use case: Flag model/analysis code as problematic – a model/analysis code error is detected or the code revised. How do I flag this in data pipeline/registry?

  3. Use case: Track issues – I am looking at the output of some analysis/model. How do I see issues flagged in ancestral data or model/analyisis?

  4. Use case: View meta data – I want to extract meta data about a particular dataset or model code

Actor: Data/code producer (5 & 6). Data/software user (7 & 8)

Benefit: Results are linked to any known issues with their dependencies, and potential users are aware of any known issues


  • Are models/analysis in the data pipeline/registry? - Yes, linked to particular Github hashes

  • How do we implement tracing flagged items through the dependency links and alerting users of them?

  • How are problems flagged / quality assessments recorded? Issues can be attached to any object in the registry (data products, software releases, ...). Can also have active quality assessments recorded (eg scorecards completed, data quality assessments) but should not rely on that being done for every object in the chain.

Use Case 7. Production of a pipeline validated policy briefing #

Actor: Modeller who has some data files pre-registered, and a policy request for information that requires a rerun of model code.

Preconditions: Actor has an account (if required) to access data registry, local copies of any further datasets they need to upload, and a valid model code release registered.

Basic Flow:

  • Actor collates/reviews list of data resources required for model run

  • Actor identifies any gaps in data and uploads local copies to registry

  • Actor interrogates registry to review status of all prerequisite data resources

  • Actor iterates choice of data resources, preferably to remove ‘at risk’ selections, and to make time specific selections as they see fit

  • Actor interrogates registry to confirm status of all prerequisite data resources

  • Actor runs registered. released version of model software using selected data resources (likely to be multiple runs)

  • Output from model uploaded to registry

  • Model output used in rmd-type framework to generate policy briefing

  • Policy briefing uploaded to registry with links to dependencies

  • Status reports for any given model run and for the entire the briefing can be generated (listing dependencies, provenance, flagging up QA status and issues)

  • [Status of policy briefing reviewed prior to circulation]

  • [Brief either circulated with appropriate cover based on meta-data, or rejected and referred back to be re-generated]


  • Newly uploaded data products are in registry with associated metadata

  • Model output and policy brief are in registry with associated metadata

  • Actor has a brief with known provenance ready for onward circulation


  • Again – what do we do with the data types (like the reports) that are not in a core data format?

  • Could provenance reports and QA info be generated for any “object” in the registry?

Use Case 8. Finding and assessing alternative datasets from registry #

Actor: Modeller who has data files pre-registered, and who needs to decide which data resources to use in an output run

Preconditions: Actor has an account (if required) to access data registry

Basic Flow:

  • Actor collates list of data resources required for model run

  • Actor interrogates registry to review status of all prerequisite data resources

  • Where a data resource is flagged as ‘at risk’, or has some other property (too recent? Might want to roll back to an earlier version) actor can request a list, with summary metadata (tbc), of other ‘views/components/distributions’ or versions of that data resource

  • Actor selects view for use in this run


  • The actor has been able to make an informed choice of data resource views

Questions: Do we want to flag up data status/issues via web interface and also during programmatic access?

Use Case 9. Review of current status of a pipeline validated output #

Actor: Policy broker who has an output, previously generated and registered within the pipeline. There is a need to assess whether the output has been superseded, and if so, in what ways. Or modeller has an analysis that they have previously done, wants to know if they ran it again are any of the data products or model code updated?

Preconditions: Actor has an account (if required) to access data registry.

Basic Flow:

  • Actor finds code run or data output to investigate

  • Actor accesses registry entry for the specified output

  • Actor queries registry to establish the status of the data resources relative to the current state of the registry

  • Registry produces list of pre-requisite data resources, and (optionally) the status of these at the time the output was generated (I assume these latter are available from the metadata of the output itself)


  • No change to registry

  • Actor has sufficient information to assess the output to assess whether the data is

    • Up to date

    • Is there a newer version of any of the data or model code?

    • Has any of the existing data now got attached warnings / invalidated

  • Actor has sufficient information to have an informed discussion with modeller as to the current validity of the past output

Use Case 10. Retrospective assessment of status, when generated, of a pipeline validated output #

Actor: Policy broker who has a query about the provenance of an output, previously generated and registered within the pipeline. There is a need to confirm whether the output had appropriate caveats attached when circulated. (Sorry to be negative, but I can see this happening… )

Preconditions: Actor has an account (if required) to access data registry.

Basic Flow:

  • Actor accesses registry entry for the specified output

  • Actor queries registry to recover the status of the data resources used at the time the output was generated (I assume these latter are available from the metadata of the output itself; if these are not available, is there sufficient information in the metadata for them to be reconstructed?)


  • No change to registry

  • Actor has sufficient information to assess the output from the point of view of the needs of policy customers

Exception cases:

  • The obvious one is the situation where the output has not been registered in the registry, but where there is sufficient knowledge of the data resources used to be confident about what was actually used. However, I think we should not seek to cover this scenario, since the users have already broken the system, and the existence of a tool to retrospectively cover everyone’s back might just encourage poor behaviour..

Questions: How would we keep track of history of status/issues to be able to re-create status reports from past points in time? If status consists of timestamped issues and QA reports that are then immutable, then this would be possible.

How important is it that this is easy / convenient vs “possible by digging into the database”?

Use Case 11. Understanding of local data #

Actor: Modeller has datasets locally on computer, wants to know if they are already on registry, and if so what they are

Preconditions: Actor has an account (if required) to access data registry.

Basic Flow:

  • Actor finds file / files to investigate

  • Actor queries registry to recover the status of the data


  • No change to registry

  • Actor has sufficient information to assess the output to assess whether the data is

    • In registry at all (from checksum)

    • Up to date – is there a newer version?

    • Has attached warnings / invalidated

Exception cases:

  • What if the data was in the registry but has been corrupted or accidentally edited, is there some way of telling what it (probably?) should have been?

Notes: Possible a tool for data import to the registry that calculates checksums could be run over the directory

Use Case 12. Actor wants to understand provenance of reported results #

Similar to use cases 9 or 10, but no preconditions about accounts, and actor may not have access to report, or may only have document

Actor: Member of public wants to understand provenance of reported results

Basic Flow:

Possible ways this could work:

1. Via a searchable interface to the data registry

2. Have access to PDF (or other format) of policy document

  • can use PDF directly to identify provenance report to display

2. Have access to pdf of report and can use pdf to identify provenance report to display

  • PDF has embedded DOI or link to provenance report in registry

  • PDF is uploaded by user and the system identifies it via a checksum

  • PDF has a unique title/identifier used to look up provenance report

Notes: Report documents must be (manually?) added to registry for this to work. Or must be part of workflow for latex document creation.

Use Case 13. Actor wants to identify changes between model outputs #

Any user of the model outputs (e.g. modeller, policy maker) wants to know what changed between two published model outputs / reports, and generates a diff between the provenances

Basic Flow:

This requires use case 12, plus a mechanism for displaying a comprehensible diff.

Use Case 14. From a screen on the visualisation platform, the user wants to follow a link to a provenance report for the underlying data and processing #

Possible ways this could work:

1. visualisation platform itself uses traceability framework within it to generate provenance reports

2. visualisation platform manually links back to provenance of the components that are interactively selected

Use Case 15. Initial quick look at dataset visualisations online #

Any user (policy maker, modeller, etc.) may either want to investigate public datasets registered in data registry visually, or may be investigating a provenance reports and want to see what a dataset is that is traced in report.

Basic flow:

Links directly from data pipeline to visualisation infrastructure, no programming

Use Case 16. Actor wants to do a model run inside a safe haven #

Preconditions: Actor has an account (if required) to access data registry, actor has access to safe haven, metadata is public

Basic Flow:

Possible ways this could work:

1. Registry sits inside safe haven, as does all data required for analysis – full pipeline runs inside safe haven

  • Registry must sync with an external registry (at simplest just a read-only copy) or have a direct external public interface to ensure public availability of provenance data, otherwise many use cases will break – especially anything policy- or public-facing, where users will not have access to safe haven

2. Registry sits outside safe haven, public data can be hosted outside safe haven, but is pulled in as required to be used in the modelling run along with the private data. Pipeline run generates log files that are then pushed back to registry after run.

Then as use case 4.


Potential issue with 1 – how does post-processing of results generated in a safe haven (e.g. to produce reports) work if write access to registry is only available inside safe haven?

Use Case 17. Actor wants to run a model with some non-publicly accessible data #

Preconditions: Actor has an account (if required) to access data registry, metadata is public, actor has access to the private data which is registered in registry

Basic Flow:

How this could work:

Local pipeline scripts have to know about local cache of private files, then pipeline can execute as normal in use case 4.